The FA’s Respect campaign was launched in the 2008/09 season after a build-up of behavioural problems in the National Game.
A new campaign - ‘We Only Do Positive’ - highlights the importance of positive behaviour towards young footballers, specifically looking at the impact parents and coaches can have. The campaign is rooted in extensive research carried out in 2017/18 to understand more clearly the effect of negative behaviour on Under 7s - Under 18s and where Respect interventions would be most effective.
The research provided clear evidence of why positivity was so important in the youth game. The stand-out insight was that 9 in 10 children played better with positive encouragement. In addition, the research highlighted that negative experiences on children had a serious adverse effects on both in their footballing ability and more widely to their enjoyment of the sport.
FA 'We only do positive' video
Longfleet Respect Video - great visual guide for parents!
We expect everyone involved at our club to follow our codes of conducts, from spectators and players to all our club volunteers and officials.